New logos for side events of Hangzhou Asian Games

2021/05/12 10:34

The logo for sustainability has an environmentally-friendly design which aims to integrate urban landscape, sports venues, and the surrounding environment.

The secondary logo designs for the 19th Asian Games and 4th Asian Para Games, which will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province in September 2022, were published on May 10.

The secondary logos follow the Games' color scheme and are aimed at enriching the event's image and promoting athletic culture.

The new logos cover seven aspects: sustainability, public participation, test events, smart games, torch relay, cultural events, and volunteers.

The logo for public participation brings out a feeling of cohesion and cooperation. 

The logo for test events, which is inspired by the dynamic image of athletes, represents striving to become faster, higher, and stronger. 

The logo for smart games aims to promote Hangzhou's innovative city image by integrating smart elements like the internet and 5G technology.

The logo for the torch relay depicts a burning flame and represents the sacred moment of the torch relay. 

The logo for cultural events is inspired by the classical image of Liangzhu Culture and aims to promote China's rich and time-honored cultural deposits.

The logo for volunteers is inspired by volunteers working together.

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