Emblem of the 4th Asian Para Games Hangzhou 2022

Medal of Hangzhou Asian Para Games unveiled

2023/07/14 21:27

On July 14, the 100-day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Para Games, the medal of the 4th Asian Games was released.

The medal of the 4th Asian Para Games is named Osmanthus Grace, which is another core element of the Asian Para Games, along with the official emblem Ever Forward, mascot Feifei, colour system Meeting the World and torch Laurels. It is an important addition to the overall aesthetic of the event.

Combining the Liangzhu Jade and sweet osmanthus, the city flower of Hangzhou, Osmanthus Grace ritually honors both the Liangzhu Jade, a round green jade for heaven and yellow jade (cong), a square jade for the earth, while enjoying sweet osmanthus, which creates a refreshing and pleasant scene for people.

The naming of Osmanthus Grace is derived from a Tang lyric poem a thousand years ago composed by the then poet-governor of Hangzhou, one line of which goes, "Around mountain temples I search for osmanthus blooms falling from the moon". Such naming implies the poetic mood and romantic scene of Hangzhou in autumn. The front of the medal features a combination of osmanthus flowers and the emblem of Hangzhou Asian Para Games, which is highly recognizable.

Osmanthus Grace shows the sportsmanship of tenacity and hard work. It represents the poetic name of osmanthus, which falls into golden osmanthus and silver osmanthus, implying gold medals and silver medals. Each and every flower falling down from the osmanthus trees growing on the moon symbolizes the medals won by the athletes who bravely move forward and challenge themselves.

The medal will be made by mold making, base making, embossing. The medal ribbon will be hand-stitched on both sides with a brocade jacquard process, supplemented by environmentally friendly printing technology.

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